Suncoast Pet is Proud to Introduce a BRAND NEW Section Called “W.O.O.F. & P.A.W.S “
Waiting on Our Families” & “Patiently Anticipating Warm Snuggles”!
Animal groups, shelters and sanctuaries within our community—and throughout the United States—are alarmingly overcrowded, with many unable to rescue perfectly healthy and adoptable dogs, cats and other animals that are facing certain euthanasia because there is simply nowhere for them to go.
Of course, puppies and kittens are easier to adopt, but older animals often stay in shelter settings for weeks, even months longer than younger cats and dogs do, and that makes it increasingly difficult for our animal groups and shelters to save more lives.
Suncoast Pet is launching “W.O.O.F. & P.A.W.S.” in order to shine a spotlight on these often overlooked dogs, cats and other animals that have hearts filled with love and are ready to find their person or family!
Here’s how you can help: Become a “W.O.O.F. & P.A.W.S.” sponsor to help your favorite animal group, shelter or sanctuary find homes for the birds, bunnies, cats, dogs or pigs in their care have been patiently waiting to find their forever homes!
The cost is just $40 an issue, and the animal group/sanctuary you sponsor will receive $20 of your sponsorship fee!
Your “W.O.O.F. & P.A.W.S.” sponsorship ad will include:
- A photo of the animal or bird you are sponsoring
- The animal or bird’s name, age, breed (if applicable) and gender
- Your logo
- Your website
- Your phone number
- The animal group’s name
- The animal group’s website
- The animal group’s phone number
Sample W.O.O.F. & P.A.W.S. ad
You also can sponsor a “W.O.O.F. & P.A.W.S.” ad in honor of or in memory of a loved one in your life that deserves special recognition.
In the weeks ahead, I will be reaching out to animal groups/shelters/sanctuaries in our community to find out which animals they would like to include in “W.O.O.F. & P.A.W.S.”
To become a “W.O.O.F. & P.A.W.S.” sponsor, just complete the simple form below and click “SUBMIT.” You also can call 941-961-0303 to reserve an ad or send an e-mail by clicking here.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to include the name of the animal group/shelter/sanctuary that you would like to sponsor on the form below.
Thank you for helping to find homes for birds and animals that need that extra “nudge” to find a forever home!